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1,000,000 June 29, 2008 3:25 am

Posted by Rosario T. Calabria in 1 Million, Site Info.
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Today the site recorded its 1,000,000th visit (3:25am on Sunday, June 29, 2008). Not bad eh?  I don’t usually celebrate things like this, but I figured, what the heck.  It only happens once right?

I started the site back in September of 2006 mainly as a way for me to jot down my thoughts on broadcast TV ratings, and to occasionally throw in articles and what not on movies, television and other miscellaneous things that interest me.  I never envisioned it to become in anyway popular, so you can’t imagine how pleased I am that it’s been so successful.

I thank you all for the visits, comments and e-mails.  I plan to grow the site, adding more reviews, giveaways and original content.  I hope you continue to frequent the site as I grow.

Thanks again,
